Friday, July 15, 2011

Observing Head-Ache

Well, it was yesterday. I woke up with a mild but annoying headache and i realised immediately that the day was ruined and there's no point getting ready for the office. I started pondering over the probable reasons for this morning blue, may be yesterday's lunch with all oil and spices or may be the wintry night. well, nothing specific came to my mind and i was in mood to take a leave for the day and go back to bed. I usually go for a nap whenever its possible, if I've got a headache.

In the gossamer of thoughts, came the thought of meditation and its 'feelings'.
Many of us, who meditate, must have felt the mental calmness and peace after meditation. what a feeling to have less thoughts and peaceful mind. And right then, i was , perhaps, feeling the other extreme . My head, like a clock's hand,was continuously hammering itself with something called pain.

So, i thought to experiment and mix the two feelings i.e what it feels to have headache signals and meditating-soothing signals reaching same time to mind. I just wanted to observe the two.

So, I sat down for the meditation, and i must admit it was a bit more aggressive in the sense that i was focused on the headache part. I wanted to experience how the headache feels when my mind and my body are all at peace.

I sat for around 25 mins. And as always it was the calming effect of meditation that overwhelmed me after those 25 mins and surprisingly, the voluminous ache that broke my early morning dream and sleep was not felt, not once. Yeah, i was more concentrating on the pain than the meditation itself.

So , it seemed okay to get dressed up for the day and 'observe' the 'ache'

That day,I walked slowly to my office. My office, not much at a distance from my residence, is a good opportunity to walk in the morning breeze and enjoy the exhilarating weather.
For the next couple of hours i was conscious about the headache that came from no where, and then seemed to disappear suddenly.Later, i got engrosed in the work and forgot everything. Well, the headache never resurfaced.

The point I wanted to make in this length write up (btw, it's just my fourth blog) is i experimented on meditation and headache, and the result was sth pleasant , though, i would like to continue on this experiment and some other experiments also.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Healing Prayer

 i came to know this affirmation a few days back...just a while ago, while i was siting and watching something on TV a strong thought came over my mind reminding how strong i am and my mind is... and how strong is my will. This thought came all of a sudden....and then came the thought of this beautiful and powerful affirmation my Guruji taught to us....

"i will with my own will which flows from the Divine will to be healthy to be well to be prosperous and spiritual to be well to be well"

thanks youtube and Ananda Sangha

Friday, January 14, 2011 the new year

a good lesson learnt today !!! be very specific whenever you have been assigned any work.

the presentation with the director went well...along the expected lines.but the mail to Mr Burman went wayward.
I should have taken into consideration the sensitivity of the document i was handling.
the point is ... understand the gravity of any matter.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

this is a platform where the"journey" will be given words.