Thursday, January 20, 2011

Healing Prayer

 i came to know this affirmation a few days back...just a while ago, while i was siting and watching something on TV a strong thought came over my mind reminding how strong i am and my mind is... and how strong is my will. This thought came all of a sudden....and then came the thought of this beautiful and powerful affirmation my Guruji taught to us....

"i will with my own will which flows from the Divine will to be healthy to be well to be prosperous and spiritual to be well to be well"

thanks youtube and Ananda Sangha

Friday, January 14, 2011 the new year

a good lesson learnt today !!! be very specific whenever you have been assigned any work.

the presentation with the director went well...along the expected lines.but the mail to Mr Burman went wayward.
I should have taken into consideration the sensitivity of the document i was handling.
the point is ... understand the gravity of any matter.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

this is a platform where the"journey" will be given words.